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Remarks by Consul General Zhao Weiping at the Press Conference of the First Official Business Day of Bank of China Chicago Branch
2013-03-26 05:29

(Monday March 25, 2013)

Friends from the Media:

First, I wish to express once again my warmest congratulations on the opening of Bank of China Chicago Branch.

This is a latest evidence of the growing interests of the Chinese enterprises in investing in the great city of Chicago.

In my opinion, there are many good reasons for Chinese companies to invest here.

Chicago is not only an important economic, commercial and financial center of the United States, but also one of the most pro-business cities in the world.

Chicago has for many years demonstrated its strong willingness in deepening its business relations with China, which was again emphasized by the Honorable Mayor Emanuel when we met recently.

Today, I feel very honored with the gracious presence of the Honorable Deputy Mayor in celebration of the first official business day of Bank of China Chicago Branch.

Honorable Deputy Mayor, your presence today is a valuable support to Bank of China Chicago Branch.

Equally important, your presence has sent out a very clear message to all Chinese companies that the City of Chicago sincerely welcomes Chinese investment and is eager to serve the investors from other countries including China.

I believe that this message will be heard and highly appreciated by potential Chinese investors and they will follow the footprints of Bank of China and other Chinese companies who are already investing here.

Actually, since my arrival as new Chinese Consul General one month ago, several Chinese companies have already approached me and expressed their intention of starting business in Chicago.

I am sure, the Honorable Deputy Mayor, your presence here today will encourage them to make their decisions of investing in Chicago at an early date.

In closing, I wish Bank of China Chicago Branch great success.

Now, I have the pleasure and honor to invite the Honorable Deputy Mayor to speak.

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